Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I love it when I see college students sleeping on thousand dollar leather couches all over campus.

I like how it smells of "my ridiculously high tuition paid for this thing!"

I like how there can be a complete stranger 2 feet away reading War and Peace and they don't care.

I want to be one of them. Random Before-I-Graduate-Goal: Take a nap in public on a really really nice couch.

I finally put my name on the Spring Banquet list. Get this...there will probably be pictures of me on the slideshow while I was in college before digital cameras were invented. I know you don't believe it...but it is true. They'll have to be, like, manually scanned in or something.

And yes, I did start my university work before the 21st century.

Sweet diploma- come to Mama!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Whatever I had a digital camera when you were still in high school. It was only half a megapixel, though. And you could only take pictures outside in bright sun or they would be too dark. And you had to use a tripod and stand perfectly still or the picture would be too blurry.