Friday, January 27, 2006

Today's Post is in honor of a phenomenon I don't understand...that of icons.

Now, Back in "the Day" we used to have these tagged to our AIM names. It was always stressful for me. How do I pick one picture to represent me to all of the random folks out there I would talk to?

Nowadays I see these thingamajiggers everywhere..especially on high schooler's pages...which leads me to believe that they are the next wave of cool. Of course I saw them five minutes ago on high school pages so by the time my blog gets updated they have probably become a cheesy has-been. Oh well.

Most of these icons are pretty weird. Lots of models and stuff with pithy sayings attatched to them. I am also beginning to feel that the icons are responsible for the rise in profanity among high school students. I ran across one the other day on a good friend's sister's page and the language in her pretty icons literally melted my face. UGH!

Soooo. what do you guys think? If you read this and don't feel like least put an icon on your page.

Later Taters

1 comment:

Holly said...

*tear* what have i done to be taken off your list of friends?