My first thoughts were to get something that I would be embarrassed to have as a career but would be soooo much fun to do for just a few months... like work at Six Flags!
To those of you who don't know, I am an amusement park enthusiast. That is putting it quite mildly. Last summer was a hallmark year. During the Summer of 2008 I went to:

Universal Studios Hollywood

Disneyland again (this was the most magical day ever!)

and Schlitterbahn (I'll spare you the pictures!)
But working at Six Flags never happened. Maybe next year. I will instead be working at the Children's Courtyard a few miles from my house. I am moderately excited about this but more excited not to be sitting on my couch watching "Law and Order" all day long.
I am so not kidding.
Today, however, I feel so productive that I have to write about it! I had to get an expanding file folder to hold all of the documents I needed to complete my tasks today!
First, I got our new Honda plated in Texas. Texas kills me! They charge so much tax for cars not bought here. $615 to be exact! Ouch.
For this little task you need to bring:
1. State Inspection Receipt
2. Out of State VIN Inspection or "Green Sheet" (Both available for $40 at your local mechanic)
3. Car Title
4. Driver's License
5. Proof of Insurance
6. Check book (Don't bring a check card. I believe the sign said they charge 2.3% to use the check card...that is an extra $14 in my case. They called it a "convenience fee." HA!)
Next I drove to the Children's Courtyard to give them my documents:
They require:
1. Driver's License
2. Social Security Card
3. College Transcript
4. A copy of my OU Diploma
5. CPR Certification.
This is no big deal and required at any job.
Then I went to get my Texas Driver's License. This required the most ridiculous amount of documentation:
1. Driver's License
2. Social Security Card
3. Proof of Insurance
4. Texas Car Registration
5. Birth Certificate
6. Marriage License
7. Check for $24.00
8. A form you fill out there.
You also had to take the vision test, get your thumbs fingerprinted, get your picture and raise your right hand and swear that you weren't lying about anything.
In Oklahoma I just filled out a form and handed over my TX license which I now know I should have just held onto!
As the DPS lady was walking away with all of the above documents to make copies I had a slight moment of panic. She was walking away with every proof of my existence; as having been born, married, previously licensed...everything.
I jokingly told her as she walked away, "Please don't disappear or I won't exist anymore!"
After having received my temporary Driver's License I went straight to Blockbuster to get a membership. It has been years since I had one and they wouldn't give me one without at TX DL!
I now feel totally up to date in life. It is a good feeling. I hope this helps next time you need to run around and get important tags and licenses!
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