Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What else could happen?

Just when we think we have weathered most of the storm another round beats down. Many of you know that Dan's dad died 5 days before our wedding in May. The last few weeks of May we traveled around for the memorials and dealt with things as they came.

This week, we got some terrible news from my uncle. I'll keep it private but there are a lot of emotions involved and we have been dealing with all of that this past week.

Today my mom called and said my grandfather was in the hospital following a collapse. He has neglected his health for years and is not in renal failure, has a suspicious mass in his chest and just looks downright terrible. My mom drove up from Corpus and as we headed back from the hospital my dad called to tell us that his mom, my sweet, sweet grandma from Del City (whom many of you have met) is also in the hospital and has been for the past ten days! No one called us! To top it off she was only four doors down from my Granddad and we didn't see her!

So, tomorrow morning we'll be up there rotating between two rooms with two loved grandparents struggling for health.

Please pray. It doesn't look good for either of them but only time will tell.


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