Friday, October 23, 2009

Drive Your Teacher Crazy

These are just a few things that make be a bit batty. I know I did them as a student and wondered why my teachers were high strung.

Here are some sure-fire ways to drive your teachers crazy.

1. Hand in homework at random times during the day when you happen to see your teacher walking by. This will increase the likelihood that she will lose it before grading it and she will have to give you a 100.

2. Yell "What?" every time you get behind taking notes during lecture.

3. When the teacher asks you a question, look at him/her blankly and say, "Huh?"

4. Raise your hand and just start speaking before anyone calls on you.

5. As soon as the teacher walks into the room get ten friends to come up and ask the teacher questions about stuff she is probably just about to explain to the class. Do this before she has a chance to put any books down.

6. 5 seconds before a test ask the teacher "Does spelling count?" (As a teacher I always ask back, If I say, "yes" will you make the effort to spell it right? Does it magically help you spell? I don't get it.)

7. Drum on everything...especially during lecture.

8. As soon as the teacher turns around, mumble to your neighbor.

9. Freak out every time the teacher assigns something that looks hard. Don't take the time to see if this is true and NEVER, I repeat, NEVER read the directions. Just start writing and complaining.

10. Ask, "Is this going to be on the test?" or "Do we need to know this?" about every new concept. If the teacher says it won't be on the test, put down your pencil and stare at the wall. If the teacher says it will be on the test then slow down the whole lecture by asking her to repeat every sentence three or four times.