Thursday, May 10, 2007

Last morning in Norman

I am leaving Norman today. Almost everything I own is in storage or in a pile in the next room. My alarm woke me up with "Semi-charmed Life" singing in a high, lovely falsetto "Gooodbyyyyyyyye!"

I found it quite appropriate for obvious reasons. That song was also the most overplayed song on the radio when I spent my first summer ever in Norman when I was 15. I learned to drive that summer and it was the song on the radio during my first solo drive. 11 years later and my life is completely altered. Mostly because of the BSU and having such a great college experience at OU.

Last night after Spiderman 3 I was standing in a huddle of some great girlfriends and as we were bawling I was so struck with the finality of this all. My life as a Norman resident is over. I got in the car and got a bit hysterical but I got a great moment of clarity.

Here is my prayer this summer as we prepare for a new life in Ft. Worth and as my friends scatter to the ends of the earth for the gospel of Jesus Christ:

Father, You are good. Thank you for letting me love your people so deeply. Thank you for friendships deep enough to break my heart when they are stretched. Thank You for the amazing privilege of having heart friends (and a sister) in love with you enough to risk their lives for people who need you desperately in other parts of the world. Thank You for being trustworthy and for the amazing peace that comes from being in the very center of Your good and perfect will. It's gonna be worth it, Lord. I know that. Going where You lead is worth any heartache. It is the greatest joy in my life and in the life of my amazing friends. Because you came to give your life as a ransom for many and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Pray for me friends. There are students coming to California on the verge of inheriting a great vision of Disciplemaking for themselves. And prayer is the ministry.

See you soon,
